Call for Sessions Deadline: June 26, 2025
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Shared knowledge between members is the hallmark of the Annual Conference and is a foundation of NODA’s mission to provide education, leadership and professional development in the field of orientation, transition, and retention. Members in our field are creating endless possibilities through the cornerstones of representation, innovation, community, and progression and this is your opportunity to share your expertise with our members.
This year the Planning Committee is excited to introduce the Resource & Research Fair at the 2025 NODA Annual Conference. During this extended educational session block, attendees will have the opportunity to browse a resource fair and poster session. Attendees can network with multiple presenters to hear elevator pitches and collect curated materials based on selected topics and research. Participants will have the opportunity to network with multiple attendees to engage in quick conversations about their resources and research.
NODAC Cornerstone Tracks
Tracks at the NODA Annual Conference are educational sessions that fall into one of the four conference cornerstones. Attendees interested in these cornerstones can view all of the educational sessions that are applicable to one of these categories. These tracks are intended to make it easier for attendees to navigate and find sessions relevant to their interests. View more about each of these cornerstones below:
Interested in presenting at NODAC, but searching for a co-presenter? Participate in “Find a Co” to identify possible co-presenters. Members will enter their information and topics they are interested in presenting on. Once closed, all participants will be sent contact information for possible co-presenters. Participants will contact potential co-presenters on their own. The application is open now and closes on April 7th at 11:59 PM CST.
The NODAC 2025 Planning Committee is excited to offer various educational sessions, roundtable discussions, skills briefs and the new resource & research fair at this year’s conference.

(50 minutes)
Current research, best practices, and/or authentic approaches that advance the field of OTR or our professional careers.

(50 minutes)
Organized conversations with moderators who provide a contextual overview to the topic and then facilitate dialog between participants.

Resource & Research Fair
(90 minutes)
Exhibit hall style showcase of current research, resources, and tools within OTR and Higher Education overall.

(50 minutes)
Goal is to identify and highlight the skills and tools that may be applicable in position both in and outside of OTR.
Call for Peer Reviewers
All NODAC25 Session proposals will be reviewed and selected with considerations of learning outcomes, NODA Core Competencies distribution, NODAC Cornerstone Tracks, and intended audience. Sessions will be reviewed in an identity-hidden peer review process by NODA peers.
Peer Reviewers are volunteers who support the Annual Conference Planning Committee by helping review submissions for Awards and Educational Programming. Peer Reviewers bring new, diverse expertise, and help to ensure that all submissions receive an equitable review.
Peer Reviewers who volunteer have the opportunity to choose from two (2) roles: Awards and Educational Programming. Timeline to apply to be a Peer Reviewer: May 8th through 29, 2025.
Responsibilities of Educational programming Peer Reviewers
- Reviewing 10-12 submissions between July 11 – August 1, 2025
- Provide detailed feedback for each submission review that will be shared with all educational programming applicants
- Required training: Selected Peer Reviewers will be required to meet and train with the Co-Chairs for Educational Programming to ensure an understanding of educational goals for NODAC 2025.
- Training Date: TBD (will be recorded and shared)
Responsibilities of Annual Award Peer Reviewers
- Reviewing 5-10 Award Submissions for various association awards in late September/early October
- Provide feedback for each award reviewed to assist staff in award winner selection

Submission Timeline
Virtual Workshops
Click on the workshop title to RSVP and a Zoom link will be emailed to you.
Ed Programming Office Hours
- Office Hour #1 – Thursday, March 20th – 11:00 CST
- Office Hour #2 – Tuesday, May 6th – 4:00 CST
- Office Hour #3 – Thursday, June 12th – 10:00 CST
Drop into Office Hours using the links above, registration is not required.