Call for Sessions Deadline: June 26, 2025

NODAC Cornerstone Tracks

Objective: Ensure that orientation, transition, and retention programs are accessible and engage all campus and community stakeholders.

Focus Areas:

  • Programming and policies
  • Intentional recruitment and onboarding practices
  • Global awareness and advocacy

Objective: Foster a culture of creativity and forward-thinking approaches in orientation, transition, and retention practices.

Focus Areas:

  • Emerging technologies
  • Creative problem solving
  • Entrepreneurial mindset

Objective: Strengthen the sense of community among orientation, transition, and retention professionals and campus stakeholders, emphasizing collaboration and shared values.

Focused Areas:

  • Building connections and networking
  • Civic engagement and service
  • Stakeholder involvement

Objective: Promote continuous improvement and development in orientation, transition, and retention practices.

Focus Areas:

  • Data-driven decision making
  • Research and best practices
  • Scalability and sustainability


The NODAC 2025 Planning Committee is excited to offer various educational sessions, roundtable discussions, skills briefs and the new resource & research fair at this year’s conference.

Call for Peer Reviewers

Responsibilities of Educational programming Peer Reviewers
Responsibilities of Annual Award Peer Reviewers
Call for Peer Reviews opens may 8

Submission Timeline

  • March 3
    Call for Sessions Opens
  • March-June
    Virtual Workshops
  • June 26
    Submission deadline for all educational programming
  • July 11–August 1
    Submission review and selection
  • August 22
    Notification to presenters
  • September 5
    Presenter deadline to accept invitation
  • October 24-27
    NODAC 2025

Virtual Workshops

Click on the workshop title to RSVP and a Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Ed Programming Office Hours

Drop into Office Hours using the links above, registration is not required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Everyone has something they can share to help improve and inform the OTR community. If you need help brainstorming ideas attend one of our workshops.

If you are interested in hosting an education session as a panel, we welcome those submissions within the Call for Sessions. Panels can be submitted via the “educational session” presentation type and encourage the use of “Panel” within the session title. From there continue to complete the call for sessions submission form, using the “Co-Speakers” field to indicate any and all session panelists.

An identity-hidden review is used during the first round of reviews for educational sessions. All educational sessions are reviewed by at least three NODA members. NODA chooses to implement an identity-hidden review to help eliminate bias in the selection process; reviewers do not see any presenter information or institutional information in the session submission. When drafting your educational session proposal, submitters are asked to ensure identifying information is omitted.

There are several factors why we require session submissions so early and strive to balance conference planning needs with member commitments. Typically, many NODA members’ work ramps up during the summer time so we want to ensure that the deadline properly accommodates our “busy season” and provides a fair opportunity for orientation focused professionals. This also allows plenty of time for the sessions to be peer reviewed during the selection process. We hope the intentionality in this timeline will allow our members time to prepare their session and enhance their professional development.

The following speaker fields will be used to populate the conference app: name, title, institution/organization, professional levels, and email address. If a photo is uploaded, the image will also be transferred over to the conference app. Sessionize does require fields titled tagline & biography, neither of those system required fields are utilized by NODA and you just enter NA in the submission.

Additional questions may be sent to