Call for Sessions Deadline: July 12, 2024

Call for Sessions has concluded

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One of the identified goals for NODAC 2024 is to make the submission process for sessions more accessible, user friendly, and transparent. To this end, the Annual Conference Committee has created this one-stop page for all ed-session-related materials and information. If you have submitted an annual conference session previously, be sure to read more about Session Tracks and Core Competencies below.

*New* Session Tracks

Tracks at the NODA Annual Conference are curated sets of sessions which speak to a central theme. Attendees may self-select to join a track based on their interests or professional focus, allowing them to tailor their conference experience to their specific needs or areas of expertise. These tracks are intended to make it easier for attendees to navigate and find sessions relevant to their interests.

This track seeks to explore the multifaceted process of students’ holistic transition to higher education institutions, emphasizing year-to-year retention and degree completion. Sessions will enhance skills related to supporting student success throughout their college journey beyond traditional orientation programs.   We are looking for sessions focused on trends, strategies, and best practices for implementing transition programs and initiatives to support student transitions in higher education institutions. 

Track Curator: Transition Symposium Faculty

This track seeks to highlight strategies to develop retention plans, provide resources on making data-driven decisions, showcase innovative programming practices, and share resources for retention and student success work. We are looking for sessions focused on retention strategies, collaborative partnerships, leveraging data, and student success pathways. 

Track Curator: Retention Symposium Faculty

Three themes seem to continue to emerge at greater urgency for HBCUs than many other institution types: how to drive student success while navigating institutional, budgetary, resource, and personnel constraints; the profession’s impact on mental health and challenges with burnout; and, meeting the unique and emerging needs of students and families of today. We are looking for sessions that will explore these challenges and share best practices. 

Track Curator: HBCU Summit Leaders

This track seeks to explore the forefront of higher education leadership and innovation, and will provide a space for participants to engage in high-level discussions, exchange insights, and cultivate networks to drive institutional excellence and student success in an ever-evolving higher education landscape. We are looking for sessions led by and for senior-level administrators that will delve into strategic initiatives, emerging trends, and best practices that are shaping the future of academia and the fields of OTR. Sessions should align with the advanced level of NODA’s Core Competencies

Track Curator: Past President’s Advisory Group

Designed for graduate-level students aspiring to excel in OTR, this track will provide workshops centered on the core principles, competencies, and professional expectations related to OTR. We are looking for sessions that will help participants develop the skills, knowledge, and connections for a successful transition from graduate student to OTR professional. 

Track Curator: Graduate Symposium Faculty

This track seeks to explore strategies and innovative approaches to fostering inclusive environments and advancing equity across student orientation, transition, and retention programs. We are looking for sessions that align with NODA’s core competency: Diversity, Inclusion, and Access, and highlight the development and implementation of educational opportunities around issues of DEI. We are also looking for sessions that provide a space to learn about and discuss how anti-DEI state legislation is impacting work in OTR, including hiring, training, onboarding, supervision, and implementation and revision of programming. 

Track Curator: Diversity & Inclusion Committee

This track is designed for professionals who have worked in OTR for 4-7 years and are interested in advancing their career and/or education. We are looking for sessions aligned with the intermediate level of NODA’s Core Competencies, panels on pursuing a doctorate, positioning yourself for promotion or step up at a new institution, and advice on how to seek professional development to advance your career. 

Track Curator: TBD

Core Competencies Alignment

This year, you will find that the conference committee, in partnership with the Core Competencies Integration Committee, have replaced the “required” learning outcomes field with a more in-depth NODA’s Core Competencies selection. Our goal with this change is to better center the core competencies in the application, review, and selection processes for NODAC. This effort aligns with the Board of Directors strategic priorities of providing education and structures that support the core competencies.

Having trouble identifying the right core competency? Email the committee at or attend an upcoming support webinar.

The NODAC 2024 Planning Committee is excited to offer various educational sessions, roundtable discussions, and skills briefs at this year’s conference

Educational Sessions
(50-110 Minutes)

Current research, best practices, and/or authentic approaches that advance the field of OTR or our professional careers.

Roundtable Discussions
(50 Minutes)

Organized conversations with moderators who provide a contextual overview to the topic and then facilitate dialog between participants.

Skills Brief
(50 Minutes)

Goal is to identify and highlight the skills and tools that don’t always get to shine in the OTR arena.

Call for Sessions has concluded

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Call for Peer Reviewers

All NODAC24 Session Proposals will be reviewed and selected with considerations of Core Competency distribution, NODA tracks selection, and connection to the conference theme. Sessions will be reviewed in an identity-hidden peer review process by NODA peers. Be sure to omit identifying information, such as institution name or names of presenters in this submission.

Peer Reviewers are volunteers who support the Annual Conference Planning Committee by helping review submissions for Awards and Educational Sessions. Peer Reviewers bring new, diverse expertise, and help to ensure that all submissions receive an equitable review.

Peer Reviewers who volunteer have the opportunity to choose from two (2) roles: Awards and Educational Sessions. Deadline to apply: June 24, 2024.

Responsibilities of Educational Session Peer Reviewers
  • Reviewing 10-12 Educational Sessions between July 22 – August 14, 2024
  • Provide feedback for each session review that will be shared with all educational session submitters
  • Required training: Selected Peer Reviewers will be required to meet and train with the Co-Chairs for Educational Sessions & Evaluations to ensure an understanding of educational goals for NODAC 2024.
    • Training Date: July 15 at 3 pm (will be recorded and shared)
Responsibilities of Annual Award Peer Reviewers
  • Reviewing 5-10 Award Submissions for various association awards in late September/early October
  • Provide feedback for each award reviewed to assist staff in award winner selection
Call for Peer Reviews has concluded

Submission Timeline

  • March 18
    Call for Sessions Opens
  • April–July
    Virtual Workshops
  • July 12
    Submission deadline for education sessions, roundtables, and skill briefs
  • July 22–August 14
    Session review and selection
  • August 21,Notification to presenters
  • September 6
    Presenter deadline to accept invitation
  • November 11–14
    NODAC 2024

Virtual Workshops

Click on the workshop title to RSVP and a Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Everyone has something they can share to help improve and inform the OTR community. If you need help brainstorming ideas attend one of our workshops.

If you are interested in hosting an education session as a panel, we welcome those submissions within the Call for Sessions. Panels can be submitted via the “educational session” presentation type and encourage the use of “Panel” within the session title. From there continue to complete the call for sessions submission form, using the “Co-Speakers” field to indicate any and all session panelists.

An identity-hidden review is used during the first round of reviews for educational sessions. All educational sessions are reviewed by at least three NODA members. NODA chooses to implement an identity-hidden review to help eliminate bias in the selection process; reviewers do not see any presenter information or institutional information in the session submission. When drafting your educational session proposal, submitters are asked to ensure identifying information is omitted.

There are several factors why we require session submissions so early and strive to balance conference planning needs with member commitments. Typically, many NODA members’ work ramps up during the summer time so we want to ensure that the deadline properly accommodates our “busy season” and provides a fair opportunity for orientation focused professionals. We hope the intentionality in this timeline will allow our members time to prepare their session and enhance their professional development.

The following speaker fields will be used to populate the conference app: name, title, institution/organization, pronouns, and email address. If a photo is uploaded, the image will also be transferred over to the conference app. Sessionize does require fields titled tagline & biography, neither of those system required fields are utilized by NODA and you just enter NA in the submission.

Additional questions may be sent to